Does anyone still read blogs anymore? I mean, blog blogs. A blog where people just write about their day, personal thoughts, and things of that nature. I am far from a website expert and I guess that’s exactly why I asked.
Anyway, another reason I ask is because that will sort of be the style of today’s post. But, it’s also about motivation. You see, I have a few business goals I’d like to achieve. But, to be perfectly honest, I’ve realized one of the things that keep me from really consistently doing what I know I need to do is lack of motivation.
There are so many different things that tie into this topic and so many different directions I can go. However, today I will stick to talking about what causes my lack of motivation and what I do to overcome it.
What causes a lack of motivation?
This may be different for everyone. However, these are the main reasons I tend to be unmotivated to work on my business goals.
Personal Challenges
Sometimes I face personal challenges in my life and they can really build a roadblock in my mind to working towards working on my goals. I’ve realized that my creativity flows at its best when I’m in a positive and happy mood.
I have three kids and one is 2 years old. I’m currently homeschooling my two older kids. So, between homeschooling and giving the required attention to my 2-year old, I find it really thought to carve out a time on a consistent basis to work without any distractions.
So what do I do?
Well, it starts with taking a look at the problem and figuring out a solution. The first problem I mentioned was being unmotivated. These are the two ways I think are helpful to me in my current situation.
I blog about my challenges.
I’ve realized that when I’m going through difficult situations and don’t feel inspired to work on certain projects, I usually feel encouraged to journal or blog about what I’m going through. I like to share the potential roadblocks I’m faced with and what I do to help me overcome them. If you’re facing the same or similar issues, then hopefully sharing my story and tips will help you.
I work around or remove distractions.
Okay, this is one that I admit I need to put into practice. One that I haven’t been so great at. Many times I have allowed chores and other responsibilities get in the way of my work time. It’s not always easy to carve out a specific time to work in my personal situation. But, I know I need to stay focused and consistently work during those times in the day that I know I’m able to work with little to no interruptions.
Also, when there is someone else available to help my smallest child, I need to make sure I dedicate that time to working.
These would be the main reasons and ways I deal with issues that cause me to be unmotivated. Hopefully, these tips help and encourage you.
Have you dealt with issues that challenged your motivation for working on your blog or online business? Please share in the comments below.